Wednesday, October 13, 2010


It has often been said, there is no manual to parenting. First time parents (myself, one of them) must fumble, stumble and find our own way to being a confident, self assured parent. There are so many (well meaning) people, willing to give advice. The best person to listen to, I've found is yourself. This article hit a chord with me, mothers are just trying their best everyday without having to worry about a 6 month old 'babbling vowels'. A friend told me the other day, it really all depends on the rhythm of the mother, is she happy, is she calm etc...and I couldn't agree more. Sometimes, I feel like I've got it all sorted out and then the next day, I feel like I'm flailing (just a little flail here or there:) Every parent I've ever known only wants their child to be healthy and happy, it is universal. I try to read as much as I can about being a good mother, but I might start to listen more to the mother inside me instead of the mother on the written page. 


Leigh said...

Amen! I couldn't agree more. Love that photo, too!

Lisa Parks said...

YOu are an amazing mom!!

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